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Monday, April 30, 2012

Palate Wrecker Imperial IPA

Green Flash Brewing Company
San Diego, CA

APPEARANCE: 2.5/3Light brown, thich foamy head that laces and lasts. Clear, clean.

AROMA: 3.75/4Citrus, pine, hop overload. It's like we're running through the hop fields of the Pacific Northwest (and drinking a beer at the same time—trust us, it's really hard to do).

TASTE: 9/10
Hop/Malt Balance: 3.75/4: Hop, then hop, with a hop finish. Grassy, citrusy then hop bitter, but malty. Nicely balanced, big enough to offset hop bitterness.
Aftertaste: 2.5/3: I'm still tasting hop! Hop bitter that sticks to the tongue—man, I'm STILL tasting hop!
Mouth-Feel: 2.75/3: Big, chewy, boozy, HUGE (and hoppy). Maybe a bit boozy, but hey, 9.5%!

OVERALL: 2.75/3: This is as close to eating hop cones as  you're going to get. God bless you, Green Flash! Oh, and you non-hopheads? Stay away—stay FAR away.

TOTAL: 18/20–Keep 'Em Comin'NOTES:
 LOVE THIS. Big, boozy and a great imperial, true to its name—if you possibly can, buy it!
Ben: Another one for the hophead bucket list. If you don't like hops, stay away—more for the rest of us! And it really is a palate wrecker; once you try it, don't plan on tasting anything for the rest of the night.

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